jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Vestit per les festes de Nadal - Dress for Christmas

Bon dia!!!

Per fi ouc fer fotos encara que sigui sense perxa.. 

Aquest vestit farà un parells de temporades que volta per l'armari. I que tenia la roba encara feia mes. La vaig comprar a la Casa del retall de Barcelona el primer cop que hi vaig anar.

He de confessar que en aquesta 1a visita a la Casa del retall tambe vaig anar a Ribes&Casals i em vaig apoderar d'altres 2 teles: una de lycra superxula i una de sintètica. El resultat amb aquestes dues va ser un fracas: uns pantalons inacabats i un jersei que m'anava petit i  vaig acabar regalant-lo a la Rosa, ma germana. Encara tinc algun trosset que no se que en farè pq no em van quedar ganes de tornar a fer-les servir.... almenys de moment.

Bè el patró és una combinació de la Camiseta Joanix de Cal Joan, i del patró tret del cos d'un vestit meu vellet i el qual ja no em puc posar... 
L'invent va anar força bè. 

He de dir que aquest punt és molt agraït tant de cosir com de descosir :DDD, aixó com que es dissimulen força les errades i mals acabats (com em diu ma mare...).

I amb això participo al Rums d'aquesta semana!!!

Què us sembla?

Yes I know that's quite a weird post taking into account that it's April... It happens that I've some things done there and I will show them in these days.
I did this dress months ago and I had the clothe earlier yet. I bought it last Autumm in my first visit to La Casa del Retall in Barcelona. I must admit that then I also bought a violet lycra and a black polister cloth, which results were a real failure: a jersey that would'nt fit me even if I was 18... and a pair of elegant unfinished trousers... I gave the jersey to my sister Rosa. There are some pieces yet there of these clothes but sincerely, I've any desire at the moment to sew with them.  

 To do this dress I took the Joanix pattern from the blog Cal Joan for the top and and old dress in order to take the body pattern. The invention results are not so bad don't you think so?

Its true that this kind of elasttic cloth is quite easy to sew and the sewing errors and bad finishings (said by mammy) are easy to disguise.

I participate with it in Rhis week Rums !

What do you think about it? Can I go on sewing or it's better I deal with mycology????

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